CUT LENGTHS (multiples of 50cms)

Black ‘flocked’ Silk


Black silk flocked fabric

SKU: CHBFf Categories: ,


A opulent black silk fabric, dotted over with black ‘flocked’* roses.

Great for an evening coat or similar.  The ‘flock’ decoration makes the roses slightly stiff in feel, compared to the silk.

The fabric measure 1.40cm wide with just over 3mtrs in length.


Suitable for: skirt, coat or jacket

Weight:  light/medium

Washing/Care: dry clean

Making Up Tips:  to help the fabric hang well as, I would recommend lining any garment


Note: *Flocking is the process of depositing many small fiber particles (called flock) onto a surface. It can also refer to the texture produced by the process, or to any material used primarily for its flocked surface.